Can’t Get Outside? Look at a Tree

Can’t get outside?

Ulrich’s 1984 research study showed that  just looking at trees has health benefits. The study outcomes are described in the video above.

Even Looking At A Picture of A Tree Works

Lots of laboratory and field studies have shown that contact with real or simulated treed green settings, as opposed to built settings have positive effects.

The health benefits include positive effects on mood, self-esteem and self-reported feelings of stress and depression.

In addition this simple act can help to recover from stress and attention fatigue.

A recent study by Magdalena vandenBerg, University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, in The Netherlands showed just looking at a tree helps stress recovery.

How They Did It 

Forty-six students looked at  photos of green and built spaces right after and before a stressful situation (an important exam).

The students’ heart rates and heart pumping patterns were recorded at these same times by EKG (electrocardiogram). The EKG is the medical device with several  wires on little round sponges attached to your chest. It displays what look like mountains and valleys.

What Heart Rates and Heart Patterns Show Us

Physiological stress responses are regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), a part of the nervous system not usually under voluntary control.

The ANS is  divided in a sympathetic and a parasympathetic branch.

The sympathetic branch is the fight-flight response. It has an increase in heart rate,” myocardial contractility ” (or heart rate patterns) and sweat production.

The parasympathetic nervous system  is the “rest and relax” system.

The parasympathetic branch causes slowing of the heart, increased heart rate variability, and stimulation of salivary glands.

The Big Role of Parasympathetic Nervous System

So the parasympathetic nervous system has a big role in our health. And although it is not under our control, we can do a few things to help it.

Look at a Tree: Control the Uncontrollable Nervous System

We can control our uncontrollable parasympathetic nervous system by simply looking at a real or image of a tree and green space.

So say it with me “Healthy Tree, Healthy Me”

Well I am still in my winter jacket. And I ordered another one for next year because it is on sale.




22 comments on “Can’t Get Outside? Look at a Tree

  1. I have actually had the privilege of having a tree as a friend. It was very interesting to find out the effects of just LOOKING at a tree. I love it!

  2. I agree. When I am stressed I like to go outside and not just look at trees (and other nature) buy physically touch the tree. I take in all the tactile elements and kind of “bond” with the tree. As hunter/gatherers we are designed to be outside in nature all the time. We need to be in nature to connect ourselves.
    Great post!

  3. This is so very interesting. I did not know this. I recently rearranged my furniture so that we can open the curtains wider and look out at the trees! I will have to keep this in focus.

  4. Oh Verla, you are absolutely delightful! Thanks for the advice. Some days I don’t get out of the house at all but we have a big beautiful bay window that overlooks a forest and I love to sit on our rocking couch with a cup of tea and look at the trees. They are just starting to get buds again! Happy Spring!

  5. Even though we are in the desert, we have plenty of trees (and cacti) to look at. I could still always do more.

  6. So neat! Luckily I have access to the outdoors and lots of trees, but this is awesome to know and share this info with my friends and family stuck in buildings a lot!

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