I discovered in desperation one day that once I got outside and started walking in among the trees I started to feel better – a lot better.
My family of chronic illness includes: Systemic Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Raynaud’s, and Sjogren’s Syndrome. I was diagnosed two years ago. I am 65 years old. Two years ago I was sad, afraid, and hiding inside. When not at work, I was lying in pain in bed. Today I am healthier and happier. Here is why.
It’s The Atmosphere Around Trees
As a nurse researcher I wanted to know why I felt so much better each time I stepped outside – even for a few minutes.
I started by reading the work of Diana Beresford-Kroeger. She is a Canadian botanist, lecturer, and medical researcher in the fields of botany, medical biochemistry, organic chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Her book “Aborteum Borealis” Kroeger showed that tree aerosols are “a natural pharmacy. “

I learned that in order to protect themselves (from mostly insect invaders) trees give off tiny molecules. They do this because they cannot run away from danger.
The natural chemical substances that float down from the tree crowns include natural antibiotics, antiseptics, analgesics, and anti-inflammatories.
These molecules in the tree are more powerful than any medicine.

After reading academic Kroeger, I had enough to search large peer reviewed on the health benefits of trees. This is when I found a large and growing body of science backed proof that trees not only promote health and happiness, but make us live longer, and feel richer.
How Tree Air Works
When you breathe in these medicinal compounds go directly into your lungs – much like an asthma puffer.
When you breathe in through your nose, these molecules go to your brain. The reptile part of the brain, the amygdala, responds in a micro second to what you are seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling outside.
The forest atmosphere activates your parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest one).
You are unconsciously reset to calm and regeneration.
Your heart rate slows and your blood pressure lowers.
Your worries fall away.

Breathing in Tree Air Gives You a New Mindset
Peer reviewed research shows that spending time near trees gives you free mental health benefits. These are yours with little effort on your part. Your mood will elevate, you will have more energy, and you will have more positive thoughts. Another bonus: your self esteem will rise.
Once outside you will feel good about yourself.
After I am Outside
When I get back into the house after my daily time outside, I am a new person. My mind has reset.
After being outside, I have less or no pain. I stretch. I can write.
Please Join Us
My articles share the emerging science of the health benefits of forest air. If you join us on my website (and I hope you do) you will receive an inspirational and informational video to take with you outside.
Get your Tree Air Action Plan with science backed time intervals (dose) and health benefits (response) for getting the best of the tree air cocktail.
Subscribers have access to our Ditch Inside For Outside Tribe closed face book group where we encourage each other to develop new tiny outside habits.

Please say it with me “Healthy Tree, Healthy Me”
This article was originally a guest post on Counting My Spoons
Hi Verla, in our belief system all the life within a forest including the varieties of plants and trees all contribute not only to our well being but to the forest itself. All plants communicate with one another and help each other when one of the plants or trees becomes sick. The healthy plants and trees send good nutrients through the root system to help the sick tree for example. Simply being and sitting among trees helps with our wellbeing. Ever notice when you are in a forest that is quiet, shortly after we arrive they will feel us and acknowledge us by gently swaying as soon as the breeze arrives that mother nature has sent to welcome you. Take care glad that you came home to get the healing that you are receiving.
How lovely and true David. Thank you for this.
This is very interesting and we enjoy following your journey…how fortunate we are here to have nature trails and beautiful forest area at our back door…
We are so lucky. Thank you for this.
I had read about ‘Forest bathing’ and it actually helps a lot of different things. Makes me understand why I love the mountains and woods when we go on vacation.
Good for you Nicki. You are ahead of the curve with your reading and vacation locations. Thank you for taking the time to comment.