Stop Inflammation and Disease: Garden With Your Gloves Off

Talk about chronic and low level Inflammatory disease is everywhere. We all seem to have it to some degree. Any Inflammation is a known risk factor for disease.

German scientist Reber and American scientist Siebler say we have inflammation because we have lost touch with our “old friends” — trees, soil, and wild animals.

They say we don’t get around to these old friends much anymore. They say we need to be reintroduced to these old friends.

Old Friends: Our Microbial Community

Stefan O. Reber, Dept of Neurobiology, University of Regensburg, Germany and Philip H. Siebler, Department of Integrative Physiology, Bolder Colorado,  led a huge study that showed  we need to get closer to “microbiotica”  near trees and in soil.

Microbiotica are our microbial community of organisms that live outside near trees and in soil.

Turns out these organisms are needed to regulate our immune systems. They call them  “immunoregulatroy environmental microorganisms.”

In particular, the  “Mycobacterium vaccae, prevents stress-induced pathology (disease).”

These diseases include but are not limited to: Lupus, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns), digestive (gut) disease, allergies, and psychiatric disorders.


What The Study Shows About Stress and Microbiotica 

This study shows that ” stress disrupts the homeostatic relationship between the microbiota and the host, resulting in exaggerated inflammation. ”

So stress breaks down the community of microorganisms in our bodies — and we get sick. 

Further the study says ” An important determinant of immunoregulation is the microbial community occupying the host organism, collectively referred to as the microbiota.”  

So in order to keep our immune systems healthy (we are the host), we need a microbial community. 

What Can We Do?

We can get outside and visit our old friends to replenish our microbial communities. The answers are simple and free. We know what to do. Here are some ways to find your old friends again.

– Find new ways to get outside,

– Play with your kids/grandkids in the dirt,

– Garden, garden with your gloves off sometimes

– Walk and sit near trees.

If you know you want to get outside more often, but can’t seem to get there because you are too busy or too tired, join our Ditch Inside for Outside Facebook Tribe.

We help each other to get outside more often. We are looking at ways to get our brains to help us to do this. Please join us to get healthier and happier.

Say it with me “healthy tree, healthy me”,


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14 comments on “Stop Inflammation and Disease: Garden With Your Gloves Off

  1. Very interesting about the inflammation, immune system and microbiotica. How something so simple as playing with dirt and spending more time with our old friends can help us. Thank you, Verla.

  2. I can’t wait until we move and are able to have a garden, I love digging my hands in dirt and feeling the different parts of plants.

  3. Such wonderful and informative information, Verla. Thank you. It gives me even more reasons to be outside and close to nature…touching it, too, with bare hands sometimes.

  4. Wooow! What an interesting post, and YES, it makes perfect sense! I honestly believe that everything that is good and healthy for us is out there, provided by Mother Nature. We just need to spend more time with Her! 🙂

  5. I had no idea about microbiota before reading this post. Great, helpful information and reminders about how trees and being outside are so important to our overall health!

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