The following notes the minute mark for points in our conversation:
6 minute mark:
PaRx program what it is: evidence based and national (Canada)
9 minute mark:
How evidence will help further research: unique provider code & prescription pad compatible with electronic patient record in that province.
12 minute mark:
Will be able to evaluate how well it works
14 minute mark:
What prescription looks like is up to the patient (a meaningful connection with nature is individual).
Time required in green space: 2 hours/week at 20 minute intervals
20 minute mark:
climate/covid. People who are connected to nature are more likely to protect it. We can thank the planet when we get out in nature.
23 minute mark: the future is exciting, providers are excited, patients are involved, PaRx will launch in other provinces, and will be available for use in licensed health care providers (nurses, social work, pharmacy, physicians, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy) undergraduate course content.
28 minute mark:
one thing listeners can take away, have a conversation with your health care provider. If you want to inform your provider go to the website: www.parkprescriptions.ca
Here you will find a tab for patients and a tab for prescribers.
Also organized according to older and younger age groups, heart health, respiratory heath.
Graphics and easy to understand.
31 minute mark:
Everything on the website is linked to research. All the evidence in there. You can explore the studies. If you want to reach out to Anna or ask questions you can do on the website (ask for Anna).
33 minute mark:
Wrap up with Verla. Please check out my book and workbook Take Back Your Outside Mindset: Live Longer, Stress Less, and Control Your Chronic Illness for more practical tips, information and resources. As we know getting outside does not require a trip to the pharmacy, but to your local green space where you can soak in the positive and overlapping benefits of green space.