We all know that we are not going to live forever. But in our sixties the harsh reality of our own expiration date hits home.
The good news is that if you are 67 years old have no chronic diseases, you can expect to live another 22.6 years. You will likely live to see your 90thbirthday.
If you have a chronic disease, or more than one — you are in good company.
Nearly four in fiveolder Americans live with multiple chronic medical conditions.
Do You Have Multiple Chronic Diseases?
At the age 63, I learned I had Systemic Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Raynaud’s Syndrome and Sjogren’s Syndrome. “How long will I live? “ I whispered to myself.
In my stunned state, I could not say this question out loud to my physician. I am a retired nursing professor. I knew I could get the answer. As soon as I got home, I googled “peer reviewed clinical trials on life expectancy with several chronic diseases.”
In an instant I had my answer.
“Life expectancy decreases by approximately 1.8 yearswith each additional chronic condition.”
Ok I could live with that. But what about Systemic Lupus specifically? I lost many patients to Lupus over the years.
Is My Chronic Disease Different?
I narrowed my search criteria. I wanted to know about life expectancy, women, and systemic lupus. I googled “Peer reviewed clinical trials on life expectancy for women with systemic lupus.”
This headline hit hard:
“Lupus Patients, Especially Women Die at Younger Ages.”
This 2017 Stanford study showed:
“Women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the U.S. live on average 22 years less — and men an average of 12 fewer years — than members of the same sex among the public at large.”
At 65, I felt like my time was almost up.
My fate was sealed.
Something More Please
Like you, I want more than statistics. And I want more than conventional medicine — medications and medical advice.
I want beauty, joy, and solid science to show me the way.
I want to live longer. I want to feel and look great while I am at it.
Following Doctors Orders
I take my prescribed Plaquenil medication for Lupus. It eases my symptoms.
For the first year, I followed my doctor’s advice to stay out of the sun. I did one better — I stayed inside most of the time.
The year of my diagnosis, I was anxious, sad, and angry. It took me a year to practice going outside.
According to the research we all spend on average 93% of our time inside. I was surprised to learn that we spend more time inside than a maximum security prisoner.
I tell my story of hiding inside in my upcoming book “Aging Beautifully Despite Chronic Illness: A New Mindset To Transform The Way You Live, Love, And Breathe”
In the book I share my journey from rock bottom to health, hope, and happiness with the help of trees.
Trees Please
To study life span and trees, research teams follow where people live and how long they live over many years. One scientist summed up his results up by saying “in general it is best to have trees around.”
The research team led by Dr. Dan Crousefound that living with 2 blocks of green space makes you live longer.
The study found that in areas of high pollution people die earlier. And that even in low levels of pollution, they could measure the effect of life span. Trees made the difference.
Do Trees Help Us to Live Longer With Chronic Disease?
Yes, is the short answer. A 2017 nation wide Harvard studymatched trees and chronic disease.
Scientists discovered that those women who lived with trees and green spaces around their homes, live longer.
The 100,000 women who had greenness within a 15 minute walk radius of their homes, had a 12% lower early death rate than those is the least green areas.
How They Did It
This study started in 1976 with 121,701 female registered nurses (30–55 years old from 11 states).
“Twice a year nurses state their medical diagnosis and their health exposures.”
The study defined health exposures as: air pollution, noise, and extreme heat.
The nurses are into it. The response rates for their surveys are 90%. The researchers calculate response rate in this study as the number of women who return the survey and are still alive.
A major strength of this study was the use of sophisticated satellite imagery from NASA’s Terra satellite. This allowed the researchers to measure the detail of greenness around each study participant’s residence. They measured a radius reachable in a 10-15 minute walk around the home.
Step Outside and Breathe
The research is in. To extend our lives, we simply have to step out the door and breathe.
When we are on a fixed income and have fixed energy levels – simple, effortless, and free — count.
Here are some researched based tips for getting the most of tree air.
Science Backed Outside Tips
Start small
The science shows that a few minutes outside has proven health benefits.
Time outside intervals (dose) and health benefits (response) are in my research based Tree Air Action Plan.
Notice Something New
Make a plan to notice something new each time you go outside. Next time you go outside, plan to bend down and touch a plant, shrub or tree for a few seconds.
Sixty something Stanford psychologist Ellen Langer PhD says “noticing”puts our minds in the present.
Take Your Deepest Breath of the Day
Try to take your deepest breath of the day when you are outside. One deep breath flips your nervous system from anxious (sympathetic) to calm (parasympathetic). When you breathe in near trees, you are breathing in longevity aerosols.
Celebrate Small Wins: You Went Outside Today for 2 minutes!
High five! Even if you managed to step outside to breathe for 2 minutes – this is a win. Say “good for you” to yourself. This way, you and your brain are creating outside habits.
Do you have outside habits? Do you have strategies to get yourself outside? How do you feel once you are outside? How do you think you look to others when you are outside? Please join the conversation.

This article was originally published for Sixty and Me.
I love your medical tips! My brother suffers from multiple diseases. I’ll have to consider your tips so that he can stay healthy.
What a good brother. I am picturing you two outside together smiling.
Fascinating post – thank you
Thank you Sandi for taking the time to comment.
I’m loving your articles. I’m blessed to live in a home with a large backyard and many mature trees. I’ve planted our yard with hundreds of native plants over the years and love being part of helping our birds, bees and butterflies survive/thrive. Our trees are the backbone of our yard and our straight, strong and beautiful.
And I am loving your poetic prose comment Sandi. Your backyard creation sounds like heaven. May I ask how you found my website? I would love to learn more about your backyard.
This is really interesting. Being outside is widely regarded as a healthier lifestyle, but I hadn’t realised the specific health benefits of trees.
Hello Lucy. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Yes trees give us so much health mentally and physically. Astonishing.
I love the notice something new! I take walks daily and I think I will adapt this practice in my morning walks. I wish i could erase all the unhealthy things I didn when I was younger, but like you I will just do as much I can cant to be healthy now!
Good for you and your daily walks Tricia. Yes noticing something new has been a great shift for me — especially since I walk many of the same routes. It is kind of a gift. Yesterday I noticed all the different shapes of snow in the tree branches. It is fun lol.
I love your site – I can’t believe that we spend more time inside than max security prisoners!! This is prompting me out for a walk now……Thanks so much for sharing on CIB facebook thread – I hope you don’t mind but I have shared this on my reg blog feature “Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You”, Claire x
Claire coming from you and your site, I am over the moon that you have shared my work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yes even with this knowledge of heavy inside time, it is sometimes difficult to tear ourselves away. I work on it every single day. Thank you again for your support.
Thank you Verla. Just came back from a long walk, breathing all the way. Trees do help.
Way to go sister. Glad you are with the tropical, subtropical, and north american trees in Naples, Florida xox
Loved this article – insightful and knowledgeable tips and information!
Thank you Lisa for taking the time to comment. Appreciate and am headed over to your blog.